Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Replacement CTD shipped, lost

[n.b. This is a backdated post, part of a May/2014 blog catchup.  This post's content is a slightly edited version of emails sent on August  15th and 20th, 2013, about our attempt to ship a replacement instrument to St. Croix via FedEx.]

During our last annual swapout of equipment at the St. Croix CREWS station, the Shallow CTD failed on deployment.  Its depth/pressure readings were reasonable but its conductivities, temperatures and salinities were entirely outside of normal ranges.  A decision was made to ship out a replacement sensor so that our local colleagues (Marlon Hibbert and José Sanchez) could swap out the Shallow CTD during their next maintenance visit.

Unfortunately, FedEx appears to have lost this package and isn't being terribly responsive about looking for it.  I will provide updates as soon as we know more.  FedEx's link for this shipment is:

Mike Jankulak