Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Power Levels update, CTD non-update

[n.b. This is a backdated post, part of a May/2014 blog catchup.  Marlon Hibbert (NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program) had reported on September 5th that the station appeared to be offline, with concerns about a particularly bad lightning storm seen in the area the night before.  I'd been away from the office for a few weeks but penned this (slightly edited) reply on September 18th.]

I'm aware that there was some kind of brief interruption in the St. Croix data feed when you wrote this but I think it's been mostly online since then. It continues to drop transmissions overnight (which may be indicative of battery failure) -- but only sometimes. So I'm not sure if we know the whole story of what's going on with the power systems at this station. I'm attaching a more recent graph of station power levels, where you can see that power levels are falling abnormally low, below 12V, except when they, well, aren't.

Battery voltages plotted against Julian Day, 2013, through September 13th.  Click on this picture to see a larger version.

Anyhow I would encourage you to go ahead and do the September maintenance visit whenever you can.

About the CTD -- FedEx has dropped the ball so completely on this lost package that I'm almost speechless. They promise updates whenever I call but the last time they initiated any kind of contact with me was August 20th. But I kept them on the phone a good long time this morning and was given repeated promises that they would update me once more within 24 hours, so we'll see. I also sent them a series of photos I've taken of a similar CTD so hopefully those will help their lost+found department in their search.

I will let you know if I hear more about the missing CTD, and please do continue to send me your comments about the station's data feed if you notice something of interest. I do appreciate your attention and enthusiasm for the health and operation of the station.

Mike Jankulak