On Wednesday November 14, 2012 Jose Sanchez ( STXEEMP Interpretative Ranger) and I traveled to the SRV12 to conduct routine maintenance.
Conditions were not the best, winds between 12-16 knots with gusts up to 20 knots and seas running about 3-6ft. We were able to safely attach the calibration unit done at 10:40 am and it was retrieved at 2:25 pm. Jose cleaned all the ropes on two dives and worked on the lower portions of the stick, base plate etc.
The zincs on the support chains will need changing, and the lower base plate zinc will need changing as well. Cleaning of the upper portion of the stick was not attempted due to the surge conditions and was deemed unsafe.
Checks on the data the day before revealed a possible issue with the deep light readings which measured a consistent -9 over the last 72 or so hours.
No pictures were taken on this trip.
Next scheduled event is mid December barring weather and unforeseen events.